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We found the 1st place St Paul landed in mainland Italy!

Updated: Jan 14, 2021

The littleknown seaside town of Pozzuoli on the Naples coast is actually the very place St. Paul landed when he came to mainland Italy! Acts 28, 13: "and from [Syracuse] we sailed round the coast and arrived at Rhegium. After a day, a south wind came up and in two days we reached Puteoli." Puteoli is today called Pozzuoli. There, at the harbor of Pozzuoli, in the area called "Largo San Paolo" behind the church of Santa Maria, are two plaques that commemorate Paul's landing.

Another plaque notes the 1990 visit of Pope St. John Paul II to the little town.

This is the very port St. Paul's boat would have landed ...

While enjoying a long beach holiday in Pozzuoli, I've been trying to 'get to know' Paul in a new way through his writings. I pray that he reinvigorate my faith and the faith in this little town.


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