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Strange "aides" at church

Updated: Jun 11, 2020

We’re slowly but surely adjusting to the new normal.

Now that public Masses have resumed, we were really interested to see what things would be like.

We couldn’t get past the door without noticing a few new additions:

- a sign saying that masks are obligatory and that no more than 15 people can be inside at once

- hand sanitzer in a place of honor in the middle of the main aisle

- stickers on the pews telling everyone where to sit

BUT, the most interesting change for me are these big stickers on the doors that say “Entrata.” That means “Enter.”


It seems that because we’d been away from church for so long, the sacristan assumed we'd have forgotten how to use the front door.

And then, so that we don't get confused in our post-lockdown weaked state, fortunately, they've placed stickers on the floor also so that we know where the aisles are and how to walk forward.

Nevertheless, it's great to be back! : )

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