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FIAT Feature: Sami Galuppo

A native of Orange, California and currently living in the Black Hills of North Dakota, Sami's experience at TBP enriched her faith and deepened her relationship with Christ through daily scripture and seeing the beauty of God all around her.

Sami has a passion for introducing others to Christ especially by helping to bridge that gap between college and finding one's vocation in life with faith and community.

Q: How would you describe the TBP experience?

A: My TBP experience was something beyond my wildest dreams! There were so many moments that I took a step back and was in awe that I got to experience the fullness of the Truth and Beauty project! Being in Rome was so special because I was able to soak up the richness of the Catholic faith, Philosophy, Scripture, art; it took my relationship with the Lord to a deeper level. The TBP taught me how to integrate Scripture into my everyday life. But the biggest blessing that I took from the immersion was the theme of being Chosen. I often sit, pray about thank Jesus for the opportunity to have a deep interior life. I thank Him for the privilege to have received formation through various places, especially the richness of what the TBP and the wisdom that John and Ashley has to offer. Every time we walked into a new church or had the privilege to visit a Marian apparition site, I saw in a fuller way how we are chosen by the Lord and how He wants to use our particular gifts to serve the Kingdom!

Q: Describe your FIAT project. What challenge or gap does it address?

Whom does it serve? What excites you most about it?

A: When I was thinking about what I wanted my FIAT project to be, I thought about what was lacking in my life and what the needs of the Church was in my quaint little town. That brought me to the realization that our community needed a Young Adult Group. The gap that this group helps fill is the need for those of us in a season of life where we are out of college, but we are not yet in a vocation– we are somewhere in between. This group helps to serve those of us that are seeking community, growth and a deeper relationship with the Lord. It has been so beautiful to see the growth that has already been happening in the past couple of months. I have seen many of the young adults grow in their spiritual life, their ability to host, and their desire to be more integrated in parish life! Many of them have volunteered to host our weekly gatherings, and others have offered to lead. It excites me to see that so many young people are so eager to dive deeper into their relationship with the Lord and that they are starting to form community with each other outside of the group! Praise God!

It excites me to see that so many young people are so eager to dive deeper into their relationship with the Lord and that they are starting to form community with each other outside of the group!

Q: What's a particular moment or story from your TBP Immersion you will never forget?

A: A moment that I will never forget about my Immersion was the day we were walking across the Ponte Sant'Angelo and John was talking about the statues on the bridge and how they were all holding a different instrument used in Jesus’

Passion. I was walking and listening in awe of how the Pilgrims must’ve felt as they had almost made it to their destination. It struck me in a different way and encouraged me on the pilgrimage of life!

Q: Who is your FIAT mentor? How would you describe her?

What encouragement or help have you received? How do you work


A: My fiat mentor is the amazing Mrs. Gia Olomi. She is seriously one of a kind. I have had the privilege of knowing her for about 3 years now and the more I get to know her, the more I desire to be like her if I ever get the opportunity to become a wife and a mom. She has such a deep interior life and her, and her husband’s generosity knows no bounds. I walk away from every conversation with her wanting to know Jesus more, wanting to love others in a greater way and for desiring to glorify God daily, even in the small moments. She encourages me in life but has also encouraged me in my FIAT project, specifically on the art of evangelizing to the young adults like I would as a collegiate missionary. She also teaches me so much about hospitality and how to invite people into your life by how you love them and how you demonstrate the art of invitation. She is an incredible mentor, and a gift in my life.

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