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Fascinating experts: Civil liberties & health during crisis

There’s been a lot of conversation about potential threats to civil liberties during the COVID situation.

So, we asked how can we protect health, privacy AND civil liberties in crisis?

So we went to the best!

We got together a fantastic panel with some interesting experts and points of view.

Here you can join the excellent guests and scintillating conversation with:

Ed Morrissey - talk show host, blogger, columnist whose been published in many publications, and a motivational speaker. He lives in the Twin Cities area of MN and is a full-time blogger for Hot Air.

Everett Piper - president emeritus of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, Columnist for The Washington Times and author of “Not A Day Care: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth” (Regnery 2017). Recipient of the Jean Kirkpatrick Academic Freedom Award (2016), Featured media pundit and public speaker.

Peter Wolfgang - president of Family Institute of Connecticut Action, an advocacy organization whose mission is to encourage and strengthen the family as the foundation of society. Peter is also the father of 7 kids. He’s also a writer and His opinion articles have been published widely.

This, the second part in the series, which now takes a perspective from the USA.

So, what do you think? Have you found that your civil liberties have been threated? What would you do if they were?



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