What about privacy in the face of tracing apps and self-declaration forms? Is the right to privacy at risk during coronavirus?
We arranged a conversation with four fascinating experts on the EU and Far East Asia to discuss this very question.
Lorcán Price: Irish Barrister, legal counsel to ADF International, engaging in litigation at the European Court of Human Rights
Ryan Day: Senior Policy Officer, ADF International. Co-founder of the Humanum Institute, www.humanuminstitute.org
Benedict Rogers: East Asia Team Leader at the international human rights organization CSW, Founder and Chair of Hong Kong Watch, Columnist and author. www.hongkongwatch.org
Michael Severance: Director of External Affairs at the Istituto Acton, the Rome, Italy office for the US-based Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty. www.acton.org
This is the first in 2-part series. Stay tuned!
Do you have a concern about your privacy during this time? Is it something you've thought about? How do you think this delicate issue should be handeled?
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