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Meet the 2024
TBP Fellows

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Although I don’t always remember about it, my faith is a cornerstone of my life, providing a sense of purpose and direction. I am particularly devoted to understanding and participating in the Eucharist, which I view as a central aspect of my spiritual journey. I value the stability and tradition of the Catholic Church, and I continually seek to deepen my understanding of its teachings and history.

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I grew up in a Catholic family and from an early age I actively participated in the life of the Church, attending Holy Mass, lessons and various religious events. After graduating high school, I chose to study religious studies because I felt it was the right path.




To me, my faith exists like an eternal rose which blooms within my most inner being, and can always be watered when low in spirit back to its full potential. It drives my moral compass, and provides me with an ineffable strength upon which I stand every day . . . for with faith, there is hope, and such hope propels my strength in what God has in store for me.

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My work compels me to build movements to shape the hearts and minds of people through Truth, Goodness, and Beauty; however, to work on these things without a theological, philosophical, and anthropological robust framework and understanding remains amiss. This project would mean allowing me to say "yes" to the invitation to ground me in a framework and social change theory through a comprehensive education rooted in faith and cultivated within the heart of history and architectural glory.

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I want to learn more about the Catholic tradition's massive contribution to Western Civilization and open myself to the possibilities of deepening and discovering my own faith in God.




My faith is a life journey of following Jesus and allowing him to shape and mold me into someone that looks more like him everyday. My faith is at the center of my life influencing my life and relationships.

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I believe this trip could change my life. It has been a dream of mine to leave the country and learn about Christ, walking through the places he and his disciples walked. I would love to grow in my knowledge of him and scripture. It would be an honor to take in the sights of Rome as well.

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I strive to align my life with the teachings of the church, making them a central influence in my daily existence. Additionally, I explore traditions and history of christian faith.

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I am a teacher of philosophy and ethics in high school. I also run philosophical workshops for young people - during the workshops we discuss texts and works of culture. I also worked at a foundation that provided leadership training for high school students.

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I have seen and heard the impact that this trip has had on some of my friends who have gone in the past and immediately knew this was something that I wanted to look into for myself. Essentially, my desire is to think and experience things differently than I do today.

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It is so important to me to keep diving deeper into my faith and be formed in every season of my life. [...] Also, as an artist, I love painting the truths Jesus shows me in my own prayer so to get to learn more about how our faith is expressed in art would be priceless.

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I think where I work, on a public, secular, university campus, the way people talk about or engage with beauty or experience beauty is highly commodified, rarely sacred, or rejected altogether because of sin and corruption of beauty. And I think that happens because we believe lies about what it means to be human; so the antidote is truth.

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I believe this would be an incredible opportunity to immerse myself in truth and goodness and soak in all that the Lord has for me in my state in life right now. It could be a wonderful time to be open to where He is guiding my life from here. I would also be excited to meet more young adults seeking to grow closer to the Lord.

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The experience, if it be the Lord's will, would satiate my desire for deeper conversion to Christ through pilgrimage and study. In addition to my own personal benefit, I have seen first hand in my classroom how exposure to beauty and tradition softens hearts and ignites interest in the faith in my students.

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I was raised Roman Catholic by my parents, but since we discovered the traditional Latin Mass as a family, when I was a teenager, we deepened our faith and managed to implement it better in our daily life. Today faith plays the key role in my personal and professional life. 

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I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Digital Design from the Institute of Art and Design at the University of the National Education Commission in Krakow. I am currently in the process of completing my Master's degree in Art & Design (specialisation: design) at the same faculty.

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I come from Catholic family. I attend masses and pray everyday from my early childchood but at first it was without a real consciousness, rather immature. I started to faith deeply in my secondary school. I also bacome a member of the Emmanuel Community for youths which gave me incredible space for faith improvement, a lot of talks on topics, that bothered me that time, with wise and inspirational people and finally spend wonderful time with safe and interesting enviroment.

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The project represents a need for both truth and beauty to connect in the human mind in the midst of a modernized, nihilistic world. The project uses these concepts to bring people together to a place where people can relate to the time of Christ through the reverence and art that is lacking in many places.

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South Dakota

Sami graduated with a degree in communications and has since served as a FOCUS missionary for two years, where she has been transformed by the true freedom of a life rooted in Scripture, prayer, and the Sacraments. 

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Simon is an assistant professor of computer science with a keen interest in philosophy and theology. He looks forward to experiencing the beauty of the Eternal City, meeting other faith based individuals, and experiencing the universality of the Church.​




This project is an opportunity for me to reinforce my Christian identity by reaching back to its roots, and it is also a chance to expand my knowledge in the field of art history - a subject that fascinates me but which I have not yet sufficiently explored. During the trip, I will be able to spend time with important people to me, thus nurturing a sense of community.

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Living in a progressive college town, the norm around me is to critique and delegitimize the past. While I am not interested in minimizing or excusing the sins of my predecessors, I also want to understand and appreciate their positive contributions, with the humility that I and my era have our own blindspots and sins. But yet, I'm not nearly as informed about the past as I would like to be!

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This opportunity would be a combination of my love for Art and the Faith. I’m always seeking to find the two of them combined in my life, and this opportunity would really benefit my growth in answering God’s call in my life with the artistic abilities He has given me.

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New York

I am once again seeking answers to questions that I don't know how to answer on my own [...]. I recently brought these concerns to my parish priest and he told me that what matters most is that I continue to come back and continue to pursue holiness. With that in mind I'm applying for this scholarship.

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John Francis 


It's been a dream of mine to wander those ancient streets, soaking in all that rich history and faith. I've been praying about making the trip, and guess what? I stumbled upon this awesome Truth and Beauty. And about diving deep into the history and spirituality of Rome, and it sounds like exactly what I've been looking for.

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New York

It’s been a long journey for me to realize that my identity is not based on my artistic calling, but as a child of God. It is deeply embedded in American culture for your identity and worth to be based solely on your career or dreams [...] until you’re spit out into the world and find out how shallow and unfulfilling this lie is. How lucky I felt then to be Catholic, to know that we are meant for more




I graduated BD in cognitive science at Jagiellonian University. .. I'm still discovering Him by reading Holy Bible and commentaries to His words. I'm also a part of Vera Icon, polish community for artists and people connected with art, that wants to bond church and art closer again.

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I think that Dostoyesvky was right when he said that "the beauty will save the world". I believe that beauty has a power to attract and touch people´s hearts. I'm glad that Truth & Beauty project develops this idea further. I'm attracted to this program because I see the importance of the beauty in evangelisation nowadays.

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I need to lead more by example. I understand and fully believe the Christian way of life and yet I need to act on it more. Praying more intently, engaging in works that benefit others, and inviting others to Mass. It's about applying the faith to everyday life...

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The Truth & Beauty Project would be an opportunity for me to have an open mind and heart to learn more about the faith from different perspectives while surrounded by the richness of the faith in Rome. I see the Project as an opportunity for me to really open myself to what the Lord desires to give me, a time to receive His Grace and formation.

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Monica Elese


The Catholic school I work at is a classical school and one of the main tenets of this education is “Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.” In being a small part of the formation of children into becoming saints it would be amazing to bring Rome back to my classroom and to other personal relationships in my life.

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It would be a dream come true if I were to get the chance to engage with the Truth and Beauty Project! [...] I have never traveled out of the country, and I have always had a hunger to see more of the world from a Christian perspective, instead of a worldly perspective. This trip would mean everything and I am just grateful to even apply!

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United Kingdom

Frequently, I find myself retreating from opportunities to express my beliefs authentically....I believe TBP would help me strive for clarity of thought and the means to articulate my convictions with love, compassion, and truth. This pursuit is not merely about being vocal but about embodying the principles I stand for, enabling me to live out my faith and values in a more impactful, genuine manner.

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I would like to improve my spiritual discipline. God is so good to us and so faithful and disciplined to show up for us every day. I want to be more like that with Him too.

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My faith is about loving God so much that I want to make Heaven crowded and the Kingdom more known. I want others to experience the love, kindness, and mercy that God has for each one of us. I love being a witness to God's grace and goodness.

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Stanisław M.


I hold two bachelor's degrees in Economics and Computer Science. Currently, I am finsihing my MSc in Data Science at Warsaw University of Technology. I've been working as a Software Engineer in one IT company for almost three years.

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I am enthusiastic about both the people who lead the Truth & Beauty Project. Ashley’s and John’s hearts are filled with the Holy Spirit, and they portray one of the most beautiful relationships I have ever witnessed. John is the most knowledgeable person I’ve ever met on the topic of Christian symbolism. It would be both a pleasure and an honor to learn more from them.

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I think [the Immersion] would really aid me to reevaluate my approach as a teacher and find ways to incorporate [Jesus'} love through teaching. Currently, I feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and like I've hit a wall. I'm hoping that this trip can reignite the calling that God has set out for me through my work.

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I believe this season of life is the perfect time to build Christ-centered relationships and to have transformative experiences that I can build the rest of my life upon and share with others in the years to come.

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Recently, I have gone through many changes in my life. I am always constantly seeking the future or wanting to relive the past. I want to find purpose, joy, and trust in the present moment. I want to be open to receive and then act to what the Lord is showing me.




The Truth & Beauty project is my own personal step in putting faith into action before going off to college. In college, I will be making all my decisions, including staying with or losing my faith. This is also an opportunity to find a new community with my brothers and sister living out the faith, one different from the communities I am currently in.

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To be honest, I’ve had a hard time trusting God lately, but I want to have a better relationship with God. It would mean a lot to be with other people my age experiencing faith in Rome.

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I think that a trip like Truth and Beauty Project would leave an impression that would last for the rest of my life, and would no doubt impart memories that would impact my view of Jesus and how I relate to Him, which I would also hope to use to benefit other people.




Murphie is studying for a degree in Childhood Development and hopes to get a Masters in Play Therapy. She has dreamed of learning about Christ in a place where the disciples walked and would love to grow in his knowledge of Christ and Scripture.



South Carolina

I studied Global Supply Chain and Operations Management with minors in Spanish and Retail and am now working on my Masters in International Management in Italy. This week long experience will allow me to connect with others who are also in my position trying to find ourselves as young adults i the world. 




I am a data entry clerk. It would be amazing to experience a faith filled experience with fellow Catholics and Christians.​




I completed a Bachelors degree in India and am studying my Masters in Latvia. I hope to experience what a new phase of life has to offer and gain more memories and knowledge. 


Stanisław Jakub


I strive to actively deepen my relationship with God and my understanding of the essence of what I believe in. Certainly, I have a long way to go before becoming a guide for others, but I aspire to change that in the future... Lately, I have been particularly fascinated by the work of Pope Benedict XVI, especially his ability to articulate incredibly complex theological matters in an accessible way.

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I am a graphic designer and illustrator and a medieval illuminator. Faith is what gives me hope, what keeps me smiling. Through faith I met the most wonderful people. I'm not sure where I would be if I didn't have faith and if I didn't know God's love.

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I have bachelor’s degree in Economics Analytics at Gdansk University of Technology and currently pursuing a degree in E-Business at Warsaw School of Economics.

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